Terms & Conditions


Melt-down Insurance
“Melt-down Insurance” ensures a full refund in the event your child does not cooperate during your session with us.

In order to benefit from Melt-down Insurance, the following terms and conditions apply:
* Unless you or your child feels ill, you must show up to your photo session. In the event that you do not show up on the day of your session, your deposit is NonRefundable.
* If you or your child feels ill on the day of your photo session, please stay home and get well. Your deposit will be NonRefundable, however it will be applied to your next scheduled session with us. You will not need to pay another deposit.

Arriving Late
We understand how difficult it can be to get your child ready and show up on time, however we must respect the time of other families scheduled after you. We cannot extend the time of your scheduled photoshoot.

Now that we’ve covered the important stuff,
let’s get back to the FUN…